EN FULL ENGLISH....OoooooK...THIS SHOW has gone from weird....to absurd.
From ALIEN ABDUCTIONS, PSYCHOTIC DOTCTORS, SADISTIC NUNS with a DARK SLUTTY PAST, LESBO DRAMA, AND DEMONIC POSSESION....all rolled up in one, with the Marooned one, ADAM LEVINE....GONE from the cast due to a visceral demise thanks to this seasons BADASS....BLOODYFACE. At least we now have Spock himself, ZACARY QUINTO who has the decency to grace the series with his presence in this episode which had BETRAYAL as the big theme of this story and obviously, AHS SEASON 2 is bound for twisted turns in its storylines....SO THE GOOD OLD DOCTOR ARDEN is revealed to be the real murderer in the bizarre serial murders involving women hacked up in pieces...and Quinto´s Dr. Thredson has been brought to Briarcliff to evaluate KIT WALKER( That´s the dude whose wife WAS ALIEN ABDUCTED ) but then has to attend the DEMONICLY POSSESSED CHRONIC MASTURBATOR...JED..who needed an exorcism...big time and the sH1T HAS HIT THE FAN when the KID DIES and the demon goes on to reside in SISTER MARY EUNICE, the young nurse and new host of the demonic presence....
So far this 2ND SEASON had me wondering what will they come up with next......But now this is really getting weird. Really, I don't know where the hell....nor you can't say where they are going with the series since I FIND there is no real plot direction to the story...The way they are going with AHS SEASON 2..its almost...like "PARANORMAL ACTIVITY" its like they are waiting for the fans to decide the actual plot direction....Cool flashback Sh1t with JESSICA LANGE though...Anyway see the ep below ( while it lasts...and see if you agree with me ).
MÁS AHS SEASON 2 STUFF en (http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/originals/ahs/)
Courtesy o posted by (http://www.nowvideo.eu/video/09f39deb0c8a9)

And by the way, REGARDING THAT "EVIL DEAD" ( 2013 ) TRAILER....I think what they are doing is as bad a move...ALMOST as if you tried to remake "FRIDAY THE 13TH"....without JASON....or "NIGHTMARE"...without FREDDY....I know it´s produced by the ORIGINALS....SAM RAIMI and Bruce Campbell, but if they want to rework the film...then go with a new story based within the world of the NECRONOMICON EX-MORTIS..but a different story....but they should´nt try to make the original over again with out the essential characters...
MÁS AHS SEASON 2 STUFF en (http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/originals/ahs/)
Courtesy o posted by (http://www.nowvideo.eu/video/09f39deb0c8a9)

And by the way, REGARDING THAT "EVIL DEAD" ( 2013 ) TRAILER....I think what they are doing is as bad a move...ALMOST as if you tried to remake "FRIDAY THE 13TH"....without JASON....or "NIGHTMARE"...without FREDDY....I know it´s produced by the ORIGINALS....SAM RAIMI and Bruce Campbell, but if they want to rework the film...then go with a new story based within the world of the NECRONOMICON EX-MORTIS..but a different story....but they should´nt try to make the original over again with out the essential characters...
as a hard-core fan of the series.. I have lost interest bigtime...
EVIL DEAD LINK....(S10 // "EVIL DEAD" ( 2013 ) TRAILER 1....)
EVIL DEAD LINK....(S10 // "EVIL DEAD" ( 2013 ) TRAILER 1....)
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