( IN FULL - ENGLISH )....."AMERICAN HORROR STORY: ASYLUM", THE FINAL STRETCH..........of this season....An boy, did I waited for the season to end.....Caught the encore of the finale....Watched the season all over....but reeeeaaally all over, before writing this....THAT´S WHY THIS POST TOOK A BIT...cause I wanted to be sure of what I will express in this review...One thing´s for sure....THE X - MAS BREAK ending 2012 was NOT GOOD....Let´s recap a bit...
By episode 10: "THE NAME GAME", Sister Mary "THE DEVIL" Eunice joins Dr. Arthur Arden to electro fø(k Sister Jude...who later goes into "GLEE" mode...You know, that brightly - colored song - and - dance number with Jude singing and the other inmates backing her up....Then, the possessed Eunice ended the Monsignior´s virginity, Dr. Arden having a front - row seat for the f´n session...which must´ve been a serious trauma for the NAZI - DOC, cause he later shoots his mutants dead, declaring his experiment finished...What else? Oh yeah, Eunice goes for round 2 with the Monsignor....That ends bad for her...and that Dr. Thredson dude that Sister Eunice had on her payroll tried to screw Kit Walker over that confession tape but Lana saved the day plus, Jude begs for help as she admits of her wrongfully admitting Lana to the asylum...leading us to the whole, let´s call it "OPERATION Fø(K BRIARCLIFF" which took place in episode 11: "SPILT MILK".....as Mother Claudia helps Lana Winters get out of Briarcliff as a favor to Sister Jude, but not before giving her the patient file that outlines every nasty thing done to her and the proof needed for her expose the asylum and have it shut down....Oh yeah, Lana kills Thredson and he is exposed as Bloody Face...Afterwards, Kit is handed his release papers from Briarcliff, then takes the reunited Grace and the son they had back to his house, but when they get there they discover......Alma and Kit’s baby waiting there for him.....Yiiikes.
After the truth about Briarcliff is exposed by Lana in the papers, patients from the asylum start disappearing 5 months later and she asks the police to help her get back into Briarcliff with a warrant to get Sister Jude’s statement about what went on there. They give her the warrant and they demand that the Monsignor bring them Sister Jude, but he informs them that she killed herself just 2 weeks prior producing all kinds of convincing paper work. Of course, he is lying cause he made sure Jude ended in solitary confinement when she told him that she knew about Eunice fø(K1Ng him.
But wait, some sh1t happens by episode 12: "CONTINUUM"...The Alma / Grace / Kit "Big Love" thing goes sour and Alma ends back in Briarcliff where new inmates are being poured there from different prisons and while that happens, Jude is confronted by a inmate who not only looks like the "Angel Of Death", but drives Jude to question her sanity as time passes Jude by with out her even knowing...And of course, there´s nothing like a little time jump to accelrate a 13th episode plot which has Alma dying in Briarcliff of unknown causes ( poor thing... ). Kit and Lana meet outside the asylum for the first time at a book signing where they discuss the whereabouts of Sister Jude...but she is alive and well there...and by the season finale: "MADNESS ENDS", Lana is interviewed to celebrate her Kennedy Honor and warns the reporter that she won’t give Bloody Face Zachary Quinto another minute of airtime, preferring to revisit her career as a crusading on - air journalist who got Briarcliff shut down, exposed Dr. Arden as a war criminal and may have caused Monsignor Timothy Howard to take his own life.
During the course of Lana´s reminiscences, it comes out that Kit rescued Sister Jessica Lange from Briarcliff, bringing her to his home where she seemed happy with his two children....and later died there!!! That wasn’t the ending Lana wanted, but it seemed like a lovely, bittersweet send off for the character to us. It also turns out that Kit simply "disappeared" at 40 while suffering from pancreatic cancer...BUT HE´S E.T.´d outta here ( WHAT???!!! )...No explanation of the aliens or why they singled out Kit or what it means for his children to have been born of dead mothers. Nothing....Booo. And if giving the aliens the short shrift was something, Johnny Thredson a.k.a "Bloody Face Jr." had the season’s final 10 minutes. He finally meets his mommy Lana who prior to the fateful meeting was interrogated by the police about Mr. Dylan McDermott and his murderous rampage sometime in the past.....After disarming Bloody Face Jr. ( Yeah, he was going to kill her... ) with the same motherly love she gave Dr. Oliver Thredson / Bloody Face, she slips the gun out of his hand, holds it to his forehead, and calmly pulls the trigger. One fully expected her to calmly call up her interviewer and request an update....which brings us to...
FINAL OPINION OF THIS SEASON: O. K. I have waited calmly for this one, after watching this season, and waited for the shortest season break....I finally can say this...
E-10...BOSS.......DUDE...SERIOUSLY...THIS WAS....BULL$H1T. Although they tied up all loose ends, there were too many subjects that were sort of interesting and they really didn't follow through on them. The main focus point for this season should´ve been BLOODYFACE and his son...Just like "GHOST - ONLY" season one. The alien subject was a little over the top and the Nazi fugitive with his mutants was somthing that really could of had been skipped all together or left for an entire season, my point is this there were just too many subjects, TOO MANY THINGS HAPPENING that really just watered down the suspence to this great show....My personal opinion is that the prior season was far greater than this 2ND ONE and as a few have whispered.....I have higher hopes for the.....I HOPE.....WITCH ONLY SEASON 3 with NEW WRITERS AND A BETTER STORY!!!..........If not....dude, IT WILL BE BULLS·1T....
Here are the EPISODES....IF THEY´RE THERE...yet.
AHS 2.10: "THE NAME GAME"....
AHS 2.11: "SPILT MILK"....
AHS 2.12: "CONTINUUM"....
AHS 2.13: "MADNESS ENDS"....
After the truth about Briarcliff is exposed by Lana in the papers, patients from the asylum start disappearing 5 months later and she asks the police to help her get back into Briarcliff with a warrant to get Sister Jude’s statement about what went on there. They give her the warrant and they demand that the Monsignor bring them Sister Jude, but he informs them that she killed herself just 2 weeks prior producing all kinds of convincing paper work. Of course, he is lying cause he made sure Jude ended in solitary confinement when she told him that she knew about Eunice fø(K1Ng him.
But wait, some sh1t happens by episode 12: "CONTINUUM"...The Alma / Grace / Kit "Big Love" thing goes sour and Alma ends back in Briarcliff where new inmates are being poured there from different prisons and while that happens, Jude is confronted by a inmate who not only looks like the "Angel Of Death", but drives Jude to question her sanity as time passes Jude by with out her even knowing...And of course, there´s nothing like a little time jump to accelrate a 13th episode plot which has Alma dying in Briarcliff of unknown causes ( poor thing... ). Kit and Lana meet outside the asylum for the first time at a book signing where they discuss the whereabouts of Sister Jude...but she is alive and well there...and by the season finale: "MADNESS ENDS", Lana is interviewed to celebrate her Kennedy Honor and warns the reporter that she won’t give Bloody Face Zachary Quinto another minute of airtime, preferring to revisit her career as a crusading on - air journalist who got Briarcliff shut down, exposed Dr. Arden as a war criminal and may have caused Monsignor Timothy Howard to take his own life.

FINAL OPINION OF THIS SEASON: O. K. I have waited calmly for this one, after watching this season, and waited for the shortest season break....I finally can say this...
E-10...BOSS.......DUDE...SERIOUSLY...THIS WAS....BULL$H1T. Although they tied up all loose ends, there were too many subjects that were sort of interesting and they really didn't follow through on them. The main focus point for this season should´ve been BLOODYFACE and his son...Just like "GHOST - ONLY" season one. The alien subject was a little over the top and the Nazi fugitive with his mutants was somthing that really could of had been skipped all together or left for an entire season, my point is this there were just too many subjects, TOO MANY THINGS HAPPENING that really just watered down the suspence to this great show....My personal opinion is that the prior season was far greater than this 2ND ONE and as a few have whispered.....I have higher hopes for the.....I HOPE.....WITCH ONLY SEASON 3 with NEW WRITERS AND A BETTER STORY!!!..........If not....dude, IT WILL BE BULLS·1T....
Here are the EPISODES....IF THEY´RE THERE...yet.
AHS 2.10: "THE NAME GAME"....
AHS 2.11: "SPILT MILK"....
AHS 2.12: "CONTINUUM"....
AHS 2.13: "MADNESS ENDS"....
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