//BY ELLIOT DIEZ// MAY 26 / 15...
This past Memorial Day Weekend / 2015, Jason Momoa left one thing clear: He loves rice and beans, AND HE STILL LOVES MARVEL. At least, that´s what he told his Puerto Rican fans during this year´s PUERTO RICO COMIC CON...
May I remind you dear readers, the S10 Blog is bi - lingual ( mixing english and spanish ), but for the benefit of the international audience, this post is in FULL - ENGLISH...
As it is very well known, the "Game Of Thrones" and "Aquaman" actor went straight to the frontlines of the DC vs. MARVEL fan war last march, when attended the GOT panel at the Indiana Comic Con and custom - signed a fan´s Aquaman poster with the message "F.O( K MARVEL." As expected, the internet exploded...
Sección 10, caught up with Momoa during his Q&A session at the PRCC, where the actor was bombarded with fan questions related to "Game Of Thrones" and his role within the - still in formation - SHARED DC CINEMATIC UNIVERSE and its slate of upcoming films ( all the way until 2020 ), so let´s forget about the booths, the attractions, the competitive cosplay etc., and cut to the chase...

- What Jason Momoa was allowed to answer about his role in "DAWN OF JUSTICE" and "AQUAMAN"...
"Guys, you´ve seen what I´ve done with [ other characters he played ]...You´re going to be happy. I don´t wanna give a bit to much, because the truth of it is... [ the people involved in the "Aquaman" production ] they´re still in the works of writing the "Aquaman" movie, so...I don´t know too much more than what you guys know; I´ve been doing the research, I´m exited to play him, but as far as I giving you any details ( Momoa makes hand gesture of zipping his mouth shut )"…
- What Momoa answered to a fan regarding the autographed poster he signed - during the Indiana Comic Con - and the customized autograph included the phrase "F.ø (K MARVEL."
"I regret the fact that I can´t personalize anything to my fans, you know what I mean? Like you come up and go like: "Hey will you write "will you marry me?"" and I wrote that. I mean, it´s silly, it´s something between two people that….you know, the internet just [ takes out of proportion ], goes out there and say: "OH MY GOD HE SAID "F.Ø (K MARVEL!!!", am I kidding me?…..I love X - Men, I grew up with Wolverine; my kid loves Spider-Man, it´s just silly and to say that…
There´s…you know, a lot of actors, Robert Downey and [ Chris ] Hemsworth, they´re all such amazing actors that I love, so it´s kind of…..it´s sad because you wanna have fun and do these things, but next thing you know, it´s on the internet saying like….same thing I said with George R.R. Martin´s; I´m like reading a [ "Game Of Thrones" ] book and when I got to the end, I´m like: "F.ø(K you George Martin" ( audience laughs )…
You know, I´ll leave my sense of humor at the bottom of the ocean next time ( audience laughs )."
- MOMOA´S ANSWER to the DARK comicbook movie vs. FUN comicbook movie debate…
"I think [ comicbook movies ] should have both [ dark and fun ]. I think it would be boring…IF IT WAS JUST ONE NOTE, but that´s just my own stupid opinion…
It´s very, it´s very, um.....( Momoa loses his line of thought and takes a 10 second pause before continuing )….but having said that, there´s certain characters that I wouldnt want cracking jokes, you know what I mean? I don´t want, I think….you know, Aquaman or Wolverine, I don´t need to see; he´s got a nice dry sense of humor, I don´t think I need to see him making an ass out of himself, like Joker or the Riddler or something."
- MOMOA´S ANSWER ( as a heavy metal fan ) to my question of what metal band would be appropiate - to listen to - as part of the process to get himself into the right frame of mind for the Aquaman role...
"I´m gonna give you one song.....I want you to go and listen to "TICKS & LEECHES"......BY TOOL."
Here´s that TOOL song ( from the "Lateralus" album ) which should.....eh, WILL inspire Momoa´s upcoming Aquaman performance....
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