//POR RIKI LEE// 14 JUNIO / 13...
( IN FULL - ENGLISH ) DEAPOOL, one of my favorite MARVEL characters just had his very own video game released...Now the truth be told, there are many flaws with the BUTTON MASHING COMBAT SYSTEM and the AWKWARD CAMERA MOVEMENT.
Now, the fact that this game is riddled with flaws, doesn´t exactly make this an overall bad game.
With cameos by other MARVEL UNIVERSE characters ( WOLVERINE, DOMINO, CABLE, ROGUE, PSYLOCKE, MR.SINISTER and DEATH ), the action is something that at times...it makes you want to SMASH THE CONTROLLER AGAINST THE FLOOR.
The main LIFE SUPPORT is DEADPOOL's constant bantering throughout the game, which adds something slightly fun....and his MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES are but the few things that keep this game playable; There is a small "LEGEND OF ZELDA" EASTER EGG that was pretty funny and Deadpool´s moments with the player DO MAKE YOU SMILE FROM TIME TO TIME.
BUT LETS FACE IT, THAT´S SOMETHING THAT WON´T SAVE IT FROM A QUICK TRADE - IN at GAMESTOP the day after YOU FINISH IT, which brings me to the next flaw this title suffers from...
So the BOTTOM LINE here is this...The game isn't the best on the market. Sure, it´s somewhat entertaining aside from its flaws, but it has nothing to offer after you finish it within it's short story.
Would it be worth the money? Not really... Asides from slightly amusing...In the immortal words of FORD FAIRLANE.. "IT'S LIKE MASTURBATING WITH A CHEESE GRATE... SLIGHTLY AMUSING...YET VERY PAINFUL"!!! Simply put, FULL MOON STUDIOS didn't push out the MEGA - HIT THEY PROMISED....and with other games such as "BATMAN: ARKHAM ORIGINS" and "INJUSTICE", this game doesn't even begin to reach the ALREADY - SET STANDARDS set by our ever - depending needs...and at many times....it felt more like a marketplace download game.
If you are wondering about DEADPOOL'S one - liners.....The best way to describe this game is..."GOD OF WAR" adding MARVEL characters while listening to one - liners from every EARLY JIM CARREY MOVIES....and that pretty much sums up this game.
This is something that I might RENT, not buy...However, if you still end up buying it....well, its NOT SOMETHING YOU MIGHT WANT TO KEEP FOR TOO LONG.
In a scale for 1 to 10, I would say it´s somewhere between 4 or 5...SO SAVE YOUR MONEY GAMERS, THOSE NEXT GEN PLATFORMS are on the horizon.
And for another OPINION...
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